Stephanie Butler has ministered the word of God for since 1995, powerfully sharing the revelation of Christ with those desiring to know Him more fully. Currently, she is the Senior Apostolic Leader of Shekhinah International, Founder & President of COGL Network, an Author and Consultant.
Stephanie was ordained through Patricia King Women in Ministry Network as an Apostle in 2019. Since 2008, she has collaborated with statewide leaders spanning the seven spheres of influence to create a unified approach to advancing the kingdom of God in Lansing Metro and coached unified movements in other cities.

“A vibrant, gifted leader that brings people together.”

“Stephanie is one of the most devoted & dynamic Christian leaders of our time!! If you’ve not had a chance to interact with her; you’re missing out!! The COGL Ministry she directs is total Jesus in Lansing, Michigan!! Thank you Stephanie for your tireless work spreading the Jesus message around the area!!”

“Stephanie leads well. She casts vision, recruits and empowers key players, orchestrates resources, clarifies goals, and delivers change and progress. Over the past four years, I have admired her focus on people: investing, training, encouraging — always moving her team intentionally, forward. Her broad leadership style evidences one who can lead from the middle, from the second chair and from upfront with ease and confidence. Stephanie dreams big.”

“Stephanie is one of the finest transformational leaders that I know. She consistently has the ability to convene the right people in the right place at the right time for increased impact. She values people and has the ability to call out the best in those she works with.”

“Stephanie leads one of the most well-run, organized and effective city movements I’ve seen in the country. Getting diverse churches, ministries, agencies and business leaders to collaborate is an enormous challenge, one Stephanie has pulled off only through endurance, perseverance, passion, energy, excellent management skills, and a highly-engaging personality.”
Igniting people’s passion to transform their lives, organizations, cities and nations.
Providing services that help people grow and thrive in their purpose by living their best life.
Get Healthy
Go Whole-Heartedly
Live the Dream
Love generously

Inspiring, challenging and brutally honest. Stephanie Butler paints a beautiful and yet candid picture detailing the courage, perseverance and tenacity required to unite and transform cities WITH Christ! She penned a resounding cry to Christians challenging them to shift the way we are doing life as the Church.
In a Braveheart, let us march forward together style, she challenges readers while providing practical insight for ways to overcome issues of disunity and division. If you are looking for a way to change the world, you must read this book. In this book she details the attributes required to make an indelible difference in cities worldwide. She provides practical keys any leader can apply to overcome the ever-so-present division and disunity we must face to see their city Transformed WITH Christ!
Each of the pillars below builds upon the first one. You can never take anyone or anything any further than you are willing to go yourself. Your Inner Alignment is the foundation upon which your entire life’s influence rests. It determines your leadership style and capacity which effects your organization and impacts your city.